Saturday, November 16, 2013

Gluten free salt carmel brownies

My sister was recently diagnoses with celiac disease, which has made her life both difficult and better.  Difficult because of all the restrictions and better because she is finally pain free after 20 years of vague symptoms.
I wanted to make her brownies, which she loves, so I was watching my fav, Ina Garten, and saw her make the Carmel Salted Brownies  They looked delicious, so I tried the recipe with gluten free all purpose flour.  Wow did they ever turn out yummilious.  They are very soft, when I cut them, they tended to fall apart slightly, and the edges were slightly dark at 35 minutes, so next time I will cut back a little on the baking time.
 Ina suggests using bottled carmel sauce, which lists natural flavoring as an ingredient.  This is usally malt, which is barley based (I think).  Anyways had to come up with a scratch recipe for carmel sauce.  I made this carmel sauce from Baked Bree  You really need to read her post, it had pictures of the carmel at every stage, and I followed it exactly and everyone loves it, including my brother-in-law, who is not big on sweets, but loves carmel.  I thought I wrecked the sauce when I added the cream, the sugar mix clumped up, but I kept stirring and it finally turned out perfect.  She says it takes 10-15 minutes, I found it was over 20 minutes, but the results were worth it.  Hope someone else tries it and lets me know how they like it.

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